Video: Social wellness
Explore how to build and maintain positive relationships with those on board your vessel and back home.
Sharing the load
Building and maintaining relationships on board, in port, in the office and back home.
In this cycle of the campaign, we’ll be focusing on social wellness – how we interact with others. It includes the pursuit of harmony in your family, community and work environment. It is about understanding your own attitude, perceptions and frame of reference when dealing with others.
Communication, handling conflict and managing diversity are things we all do on a daily basis. They are seemingly simple actions to which we rarely give a second thought but, in reality, we fail at them all too often.
Objectives of this cycle
During this cycle, our ask is simple – we want you to reflect on three aspects of your life:
- How you communicate
- How you handle conflict
- How you manage diversity
Below, we’ve given you some advice and activities on these three areas to help you reflect on your perceptions, attitudes and frame of reference. The challenge is probably bigger than you think: make some time to think about how you handle these issues day-to-day. Think about your relationships with those working with you and your family. Believe it or not, but these simple things are some of the most important building blocks of any relationship.
Calm the storm
Conflict can be upsetting for everyone involved and cause difficulties. Here are some useful tips to keep your relationships on an even keel, both at home and at sea:
- Check the source of the conflict
- Ask what you can do to resolve it
- Actively listen to what others have to say
- Show empathy and respect towards others, even if they don’t share your point of view
- Take personal responsibility for your role in the conflict
- Don’t be afraid to recognise if you are mistaken
- Work towards a positive solution that is mutually beneficial and collaborative