Port of Rio Grande: Draft Restriction Due to Flooding

Port/sRio Grande

The Port Authority of Rio Grande do Sul (Portos RS) has issued an advisory regarding draft restrictions at the Port of Rio Grande due to severe flooding in the region.

Following record floods in Rio Grande do Sul, large quantities of debris and sediments have been carried by floodwaters from Lake Guaíba through the waterway into the sea. This has resulted in rapid silting of the external channel at an extraordinary rate.

To ensure navigation safety while maintaining port operations, Portos RS, in coordination with the maritime authority, has provisionally established a new maximum draft of 11.90 meters at the Port of Rio Grande. This reduced draft restriction is being implemented on an exceptional and temporary basis.

The port authority acknowledges the unpredictable nature of the flood’s consequences and the urgency of resuming full operations. Efforts are underway to restore normal operations at the earliest, with navigation safety being the top priority.

Vessel operators and shipping agents are advised to comply with the draft restriction of 11.90 meters currently in effect at the Port of Rio Grande until further notice. Updates will be provided by Portos RS as the situation evolves.