By the Advisory to Shipping No. A-41-2023 Panama Canal Authority announced:
Two (2) special auctions for Panamax / Supers size vessels will be suspended from September 12, 2023, through Saturday, September 30, 2023.
All Booking slots that become available due to cancellations or due to other reasons during Booking Period 3 for Panamax / Supers size vessels will continue to be offered through extraordinary auctions.
Please read below the rules and regulations for Auctions for Panamax / Super-size vessels in normal conditions for better understanding of the released notification:
Extraordinary Auction:
- Slots for supers that were already awarded but become available within 96 hours from the booking date due to cancellations, changes in date, early transit of booked vessels, or other reasons, will be offered during the 3rd Booking Period through an extraordinary auction process. This auction will be offered after the closing of the 3rd Period competition.
Special Auction:
- One slot will be offered, once all the normal booking slots have been allocated. This slot will be offered after the first auction has been awarded.
- Second slot will be offered, before the closing of the 3rd Booking period, if all slots for supers in one direction have been allocated but there are still booking slots available in the opposite direction, the slot may be offered to interested vessels through an auction, even if the assignment of the slot exceeds the established.