Extension in Booking Condition 3 will be in effect for the Panamax Locks until Saturday, September 2nd, 2023.
Under this condition, the number of slots available for:
- Super vessels: will be reduced to 10, therefore, slots in third period during this time will not be available.
Suspension of extraordinary auction for Panamax vessels remain the same :
- The special auction slots will remain at two (2) for supers and one (1) for regular vessels.
- The extraordinary auction for the Panamax Locks will be suspended during this period.
- During this condition, any slots that are cancelled during the 3rd Booking Period will not become available.
Neopanamax Locks:
Slots availability in normal periods remains unchanged.
Auctions for Neopanamax vessels remain the same:
- The extraordinary auctions for booking dates will be suspended until
September 2nd, 2023. - The daily auction offered 7 days prior to transit date and the special auction will continue to be offered.
In addition to above, ACP informed that beginning at 0400 hours on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, until 1600 hours on Friday, September 1, 2023 (11 days), the sidewall culvert on the West Lane of Gatun Locks will be out of service for scheduled maintenance to the rising stem valves. Although the West Lane will remain available, the lockage will require additional time.
The ACP may announce additional changes to the Transit Reservation System to ensure a safe and efficient operation of the Canal.
If you have any questions, please email ISSPanama@iss-shipping.com